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Theories of Human Communication

Introduction to Littlejohn and Foss 8th edition

The followng provides a introduction to the book for those with a healthcare / medical background who might find the examples in the text rather alien.

Chapters 1 to 6

Chapter 7 - end of book

I use Littlejohn and Foss's excellent book - Theories of Human Communication - as a core text for one of the MSc modules I run. This book is so full of dense information that I feel that a few more diagrams would help tremendously, in fact there were more in previous editions than in the present one (8th ed.). While the latest edition has added a grid for each chapter, which many of my students find helpful, I have also produced a more graphical mindmap (or two) for each chapter. Each mindmap is one page (A4 uk size).

8 th edition Mindmaps

  1. Communication Theory and Scholarship [pdf] [svg]
  2. The Idea of Theory   part 1:[pdf] [svg]   part 2: [pdf] [svg]
  3. Traditions of Communication Theory   part 1:[pdf] [svg]   part 2:[pdf] [svg]
  4. The Communicator   part 1:[pdf] [svg]   part 2:[pdf] [svg]
  5. The Message   part 1:[pdf] [svg]   part 2:[pdf] [svg]
  6. The Conversation [pdf] [svg]
  7. The Relationship [pdf] [svg]
  8. The Group [pdf] [svg]
  9. The Organization [pdf]
  10. The Media [pdf]
  11. Culture and Society [pdf]
  12. Making Theories Personal [pdf]

7 th Edition Mindmaps

  1. Communication Theory and Scholarship - partially completed mindmap [pdf], try to fill it in before looking at the completed version [pdf]
  2. Theory in the Process of Inquiry [pdf]
  3. System Theory [pdf]
  4. Theories of Signs and Language [pdf]
  5. Theories of Discourse [pdf]
  6. Theories of Message Production [pdf]
  7. Theories of Message Reception and Processing [pdf]
  8. Theories of Symbolic Interaction, Structuration, and Convergence [pdf]
  9. Theories of Social and Cultural Reality [pdf]
  10. Theories of Experience and Interpretation [pdf]
  11. Critical Theories [pdf]
  12. Communication in Relationships [pdf]
  13. Communication in Group Decision Making [pdf]
  14. Communication and Organisational Networks [part one:pdf, part two: pdf]
  15. Communication and Media [pdf]